Think1 prides itself in delivering a bespoke communication and file storage platform to the legal profession and is a proud Cube Workspace Member.
Think1 offers an effective solution to integrate our clients message and branding into a fully-developed consumer experience.
In today’s media-savvy world, Think1’s clients require a different perspective in regard to how it is embodied and experienced. The goal is to engage their audience and get them to experience your brand and services.
Our solution improves client retention by providing an easily accessible place for clients to upload all their documents, whether they are business or person. Secure and real time access to all documents provides true value to our clients’ experience.
Think1 delivers a coherent communication and information management platform, with a more seamless user experience for staff and client alike.
Contact information:
Brandon Hill 0714830772 : Johannesburg Office
Craig Morton 0763865296 : Cape Town Office